Friobar-Wedding at the stable venue
The best part of any function is always some delicious dessert and what could be more appetising then an ice-cream bar, fulled with your...
Friobar-Wedding at the stable venue
Discovery network session
Vodacom Super Hero Sunday & Vodacom media and family suite hospitality
New Media-strat session
Friobar-merge conference
FriobAR-birthday celebration
Friobar - fortress Riet - health day
Friobar - frozen yoghurt bar
Friobar-fortress reit ltd
Friobar -SAGEA Conference
friobar - New media event
Absa Freeze
Friobar-Sacsc event
Friobar -Turbovite activation
Frio bar -Exxaro Head Office Centurion
Friobar - WHEEL CLUB Ferrari day
Api Summit Absa bank our popsicle bar
COTTON-ON BODY - Mobile Coffee Bar - Pretoria store activation